A Night of Passion

19 Nov 2021  C. chou  2 mins read.

Feeling her drape her appendages behind him, he smiled, admiring her. She, despite the many others that had stood on the plains around her, had caught his attention. Distinct and unique to his eye. Even after flying over and observing her in close proximity, she didn’t disappoint. The recent storms only brought out her colors. Persistently and insistently, he eroded away her defenses, until, persuaded, she opened herself for him. Under the glow of the moonlight, he pushed himself into her, feeling her shudder, sighing in satisfaction from the fullness of his entry.

Within her, he lowered his face to meet hers, delicately planting kisses, the intensity of her features continually enticing him. He pressed himself closer, repeatedly closing his lips around her unique softness. Flicking his tongue between them, he tasted her. His wants fanned by the uncoordinated but provocative caresses searching behind him, he deepened his kiss. Hungry for more. Despite, drawing her closer to him, the desire in his chest grew unceasingly with each passing second. His hunger, unsated.

Breathing labored, he lifted himself to get a better look of her. Eyes softening, he brushed aside the beads of liquid jewelry that sat on the pinks and reds decorating her face. Appeasing her with gentle strokes, he began slowly thrusting. She let out sound, which he silenced with another kiss. Focused entirely on her, he gradually increased the rate of his motions. Granting her his undivided attention as he showered the rest of her body with kisses, slowly studying her unrivaled beauty.

As if yearning for her reciprocated adoration, he brought his focus back to where he began and nuzzled her longingly. With a shared loving gaze and her body wrapped around him in confirmation, his movements suddenly grew urgent. Plunging again and again, he became relentless. Searching, mercilessly, for both sweetness and satisfaction. Behind him, thorny fingers clawed at his back, before finally relaxing with their simultaneous arrival in a world of shared bliss.

Pulling apart, he withdrew from inside of her and circled her entrance, delicately teasing her with his motions. Quiet sounds escaped her, hidden by the howl of the wind surrounding them. Lowering his face, he provoked her with passes of his tongue. Alternating between licking and sucking, delicious liquid oozed out of her, mixing with his saliva. Encouraged, he shoved a digit into her. Quickly and repeatedly, he moved it in and out, coaxing her to spill for him.

“I love you,” he hummed as she drenched him. Watching, he smiled as the final wave of bliss washed over her. His treasure. His love. His beautiful flower. Finally fully separating, he kissed her again. Wishing her a good night, he left her contently pollinated. Just as quickly as he arrived, he disappeared into the darkness, carried away by the wind, coated in her nectar, patterned and colorful wings fluttering behind him as he quietly buzzed in satisfaction. 🌺🦋

So I challenge you in the comments: an insect and flower or a man and woman? 🐝

C. Chou
C. Chou

A writer that loves cabbages and bamboo, but also enjoys writing and sharing fiction (particularly the fantasy genre). Find me on Medium at: https://chouxherbe.medium.com/