To My Secret Admirer

21 Feb 2022  C. chou  2 mins read.

To My Secret Admirer,

I know you’re there. You send me roses every morning. Quietly, you leave them at my desk. Before anyone notices. Before I can catch you. And trust me, I do always take care to look.

But I know you’re there. I know you’re watching. And so, to thank you for your constant support, I’ve done my best and will continue to do my best. Yet, it’s all not enough. A feeling nags at me, constantly begging me to share. So here goes:

I think of you. I can no longer remember a time I did not. There’s never a single moment that I don’t. Never a second when you’re off my mind. For years now, you’ve lived in my thoughts in the day and in my dreams at night. A phenomena I can no longer keep silent.

Now, you might think I’m insane. After all, I’ve never met you. But your actions, your gifts, your constant presence and support have long since made their marks. A set of deeply etched engravings of you in my mind, in my heart. An irreplaceable stamp in my soul.

A achievement that I promise you is not something I take lightly. Nor, I should mention, is it something that I can simply let go of. You see, in my eyes, this is no simple feat. I can’t think of anyone else that has left an impression quite as deep as yours.

I know you’re a secret admirer. I know you may value your privacy and the secrecy associated with your name’s absence. With your hidden identity. So I write this letter to you… to let you know:

I treasure you. You will forever be the gem in my chest, the heart in my soul, the core of my essence. My beacon of energy. My source of motivation. I don’t know when, but at some point before now, you’ve become a precious source of fuel. A person I can’t live without.

So, if you may… If you feel safe… If you reciprocate at all… I’d like to meet you. See you in person. And perhaps, this Valentine’s, we can share our love.

This short fiction was inspired by the fans and publications that have supported me up to this point, and the “A Word A Day” writing prompt from the “Promptly Written” Publication for February 16th.


C. Chou
C. Chou

A writer that loves cabbages and bamboo, but also enjoys writing and sharing fiction (particularly the fantasy genre). Find me on Medium at: