Lingering Guilt
Sitting in the quiet darkness
Over a wooden chair
My mind wanders
Drifting and travelling
Toward those forbidden memories
To those things
That I thought I had forgotten
But relentlessly they visit
Sneaking up on me
In the nighttime silence
Heavy and unforgiving weights
That force me to lament
My past mistakes
A series of
Concluding tragedies
That I can only repent
It constricts me
With a painful recollection
It taunts my inability
To change past events
It forces me to my knees,
As if asking me to plead
It offers to me
A promise to grant wonders.
But tonight,
In the lonely darkness,
I am no fool.
Nothing has the power,
To end the suffering,
That I force onto myself.
This story was inspired by a combination of a writing prompt from the “Storyteller’s Vault” Publication:
hush | lament
and a writing prompt from the “Promptly Written” Publication
My mind wandered…