Reminded of The Past

03 Jun 2022  C. chou  1 min read.

A blinding flash
Of lightning
Shines before my eyes

And suddenly,
I’m reminded of you

Of those times
That we’d once had

Of those wishes
That we’d once shared

Of those dreams
That belonged to
Our past

Of days that
Had gone by
So fast

Of happiness
That were likely
Never meant to last

With but a single blast

My mind
Is brought back
To that past

To a time
When you
Once stood smiling

Closing my eyes
I turned away
With a deep breath
A reluctant sigh

My lonely future
Stares back at me
Like reflective lights
Shining bright
In the darkness of night

C. Chou
C. Chou

A writer that loves cabbages and bamboo, but also enjoys writing and sharing fiction (particularly the fantasy genre). Find me on Medium at: