Seeing You Again

01 Jul 2022  C. chou  1 min read.

A lone tear
Slides down
An innocent face.

Gently streaking
The soft surface
With familiar trails

Long lines
That soon turn
Into a pale
And crusty white.

A set of fingers
Make contact,
Firmly lifting
Her delicate chin

Slowly leaning in,
Another set of eyes
Meet hers

Followed by a
Gentle brush
Of lips

Slowly moving
To press
Against hers

Wandering tears
Sneak between
Those passionately
Caressing lips

Memories of
That bitter past

Of the sourness
Of departure

And the salty
Of separation

Of the pain
Of being apart

Of the loneliness
Sitting alone
Without one another

And reminders
Of the wonders
When together

The indescribable
Shared happiness

As fingers
In the insurmountable
Joys of reunion

C. Chou
C. Chou

A writer that loves cabbages and bamboo, but also enjoys writing and sharing fiction (particularly the fantasy genre). Find me on Medium at: